вторник, 26 мая 2015 г.


Nowadays it’s senselessly to speak about the importance of education in the modern world. Education has become the leading power of the technological progress andthus of the whole development of the humanity. Without education science, medicine, computing, space discoveries would be unachievable.

It is common knowledge that success of school education depends mainly on the teachers, their professional skill, their attitude to the subjects they teach and the kind of relationship they can establish with the pupils.

Most children in Belarus start school at the age of 6. The school year begins on 1 September for all grades and lasts thirty-four weeks; holidays take up a total of thirty calendar days. School-leaving examinations at grade 9 and 11 are held in June.

School education in Belarus consists of elementary( or primary), basic and secondary school.  The five-year basic secondary school is compulsory. Upon completion of grade 9 students have to take the examinations to receive the certificate of basic education.  Basic school graduates can continue their studies at technicums, uchilishche and colleges,  where they can  get vocational training and secondary general education or they can continue their  education in schools, gymnasiums or lyceums.   

At the end of grade 11 (general secondary education) students sit the final examination and if successful receive the certificate of (complete) general secondary education.
Belarus has one of the highest student-to-population ratios in Europe. The higher education system in Belarus is seen as prestigious due to its high quality and affordability.  

So, as you can see, the system of education in the Republic of Belarus is based on national traditions and global trends in education area. These guarantee equal access to all education stages, unification of the requirements, continuity of all training stages and state financial support.

School traditions

When I am talking about my school I mean a whole complex of things which made up my life there, influenced my views and outlook, formed my character to some degree. I studied at Ivye Gymnasium № 1.It is famous for its high quality of education.

Our school has a lot of exciting traditions. Traditions in our school – it’s something that has existed for a long time. In our school, we have similar traditions as in Britain. We have such events as Teacher’s Day, Autumn Sports Week, School Olympiads, Women’s Day, Health Day, Reunion Day, The Day of knowledge, the Last bell, Graduation Day.

 It has become a tradition to open a new school year with the’ First Bell ‘ holiday. In the morning on the first of September the first and eleventh formers parade in front of the school the headmistress, teachers, pupils, parents greet the children and wish them success in studies.

Every year we celebrate the School-leavers Reunion Day. School leavers of different years come to our school and speak about their school years and share their life experience with us. Then the schoolchildren give a concert. It’s usually a very interesting and useful event.

Of course such parties as New Year, the 8th of March are celebrated with great amusement.
We also get acquainted with the traditions of English-speaking countries and celebrate such holidays as Christmas, Valentine’s Day, St Patrick’s Day and many others.

One of the most important traditions of our school is the Last Bell  holiday, when the 11th forms say good-bye to their school, thank their teachers, ask children to love their school, to keep carefully its traditions. Flowers, the words of greeting, love and respect are seen and heard in every corner of the school.

I’d like to say once again that school means a lot to me, and now my heart is full of gratitude to most of my teachers and to many of my friends who made my school life enjoyable.

Family traditions

Our family is very united. We don’t see eye to eye on some things but on the whole my parents are very understanding. We are a happy family. I can say that our family is well knit. We love and respect each other. I am proud of my family. We are happy when we are together.

I think traditions are what make a family unique, they draw people together and create a sense of belonging for everyone. Traditions don’t need to be expensive to have a lot of work. It can be something as simple as a lazy Saturday morning drinking coffee and chatting or an annual fondue dinner.

Our family has our own traditions. We celebrate holidays together, for example we celebrate our birthdays, New Year, Easter, Christmas. Before New Year we tidy up the flat, decorate the Christmas Tree, do the shopping, cook tasty dishes together. We give each other presents on birthdays and New Year.  Every summer we go to the lake or river together, where we rest, relax, and have fun. We like doing the sight together, going on excursions; I especially enjoy going shopping with my mum. We are happy when we are together.

 You know, my parents and I are usually very busy during the weekdays and we seldom have a chance to spend time together. Sunday is the day when we can sit at a table and talk over everything that has happened during the week. Eating together makes us feel close and we often have our most useful conversations at these times. Almost every weekend we visit our grandparents.

If you don’t currently have traditions in your family, create them! All traditions started with one person why not let your family traditions start with you? Get creative and have fun.

Family relationship

I believe that everything has its beginning in the family. In my opinion, a family is an emotional centre of a person’s life, transmitter of culture, traditions, moral values, and the place where children are raised. It is a place where you feel support and understanding, where you learn how to behave, communicate and interact with other people. My family means the world to me I would do everything for them.

I love my parents, because they take care of me, they are kind and sympathetic; they are always ready to help me.  I can’t live without their help and respect, and I know that they also need my attention. When I am discouraged, I come to my parents. I tell them my feelings and ask them to help me understand why I’m depressed. They understand and comfort me.

We are very close and we love each other very much. We would do everything for each other and that’s the way it should be. We get along with each other. Jokes are our habit, we often laugh and joking on various topics. A family is the people that always love you, support you and help you. For me it’s impossible to live without my family.

If there are some misunderstandings and problems you can discuss and solve them, because your parents are the closest people, they are always there for you. I think a person who has a strong family behind him is more secure and confident and can deal with life better.

Our family is very united. We don’t see eye to eye on some things but on the whole my parents are very understanding. We are a happy family. I can say that our family is well knit. We love and respect each other. I am proud of my family.

среда, 20 мая 2015 г.

My family

In my opinion family is an emotional centre of a person’s life, transmitter of culture, the place where children are being raised. A family is the people that always love you, support you and help you. For me it’s impossible to live without my family.  My family is not large. I’ve got a mother, a step-dad and a sister Nastya.

And now let me begin my speech about my family. From the very start I’d like to describe my mum whose name is Olya. She is a middle-aged woman of 36. My mum has got beautiful blue eyes, which reflect her kind character, brown shoulder-length hair, lovely features. She amazes me by her attractiveness and charm. I should admit nature has gifted my mother with a blinding smile that makes her really beautiful. I should say that my mum is a nurse of medicines but she also does a good job of being mother. We are very close and we love each other very much. We would do everything for each other and that’s the way it should be.

My family history is very unusual and full of disappointment. But I propose to skip it, because now we a happy family and our life is full of joy, fun, pleasant moments.

I have a step-dad. His name is Sasha. He is a middle-ages man of 37, but he looks powerful and impressive. I find 
him attractive enough, because of his dark hair and unusual brown eyes with busy eyebrows. In addition to my previous worlds I’ll say that Sasha is an interesting and intelligent person. Furthermore, he is open-minded, careful and hardworking. Sasha is a trucker. We get along with each other. Jokes are our habit, we often laugh with each other and joking on various topics.

Next comes my little sister Nastya, my tiny and fragile piece of joy. I love her very much. She always elates me and keeps up spirits. She’s only 4, but despite this she hugs me, and feels sorry when something goes wrong. Almost every day we spend our time together playing different games or just watching cartoons.

In conclusion, I’d like to say that my family is me nest. It’s very important to have a strong and happy family. If there are some misunderstandings and problems you can discuss and solve them, because your parents are the closest people, they are always there for you. I think a person who has a strong family behind him is more secure and confident and can deal with life better

Weather and climate

From my point of view a person’s life depends to a certain on the weather and climate. The agriculture, the national cuisine, the clothes we wear, the types of houses we live in all these depend on the climate and weather. Moreover our mood often depends on the weather. If the weather is sunny and bright we feel happy and cheerful but if the weather is gloomy a lot of people feel depressed. Every day many people listen to weather forecasts to make up their minds on what clothes to wear and whether or not to take an umbrella with them.

Unfortunately there are also natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, droughts, floods, avalanches, storms that badly affect people’s lives.

The climate in Belarus is moderately continental. It means winters are fairly cold and summers are moderately hot. The annual average temperature is about 7 °C. The climate of Great Britain is moderate and mild due to the influence of the warm waters of the Gulf Stream. The weather in Britain is very changeable and the English even say they have no climate but only weather which has become a favorite topic of conversation.

As for me, winter is the best season. First of all, I really enjoy the crisp of snow outside. Together with my friends we always make a snowman, throw snowballs at each other and roll in the snow. Secondly, I’m quite good at such winter sports as skiing and skating. I love moments when all the stores and cafes outside start hanging festive decorations on doors and windows. And this New year’s vanity gives unusual mood. I really like it.

To sum it up, I’d like to say that climate is the weather a certain place has over a long period of time. Climate has a very important influence on plants, animals and humans and is different in different parts of the world. Some scientists think that the world is becoming hotter.

четверг, 9 апреля 2015 г.


As we become older we realize that there are some essential things and places we always long to come back to. They are certainly our birthplace, our home and the school we went to. We will always be indebted to our teachers for the rest of our lives.

I went to one and the same school for eleven years. Our gymnasium is one of the leading in Grodno region for girls and boys from 6 to 17. As all pupils I go there five times a week. Our classes start at 8:30 a.m. and last till 3 p.m. So we usually have six lessons a day.

Our school looks nice and lovely. It’s a clean and attractive three-storied building. The school building itself is of a typical design with the same layout as you can see in many other schools in Belarus. When you enter the school you will see a large entrance hall, cloakrooms, there is a gym, a library, a wardrobe and straight is the canteen. Our school offers the best facilities for all students. There are classrooms for different subjects, such as English, History, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Geography, Biology, Literature etc.

The teachers in our school are very skilled. They try to give us all their knowledge and awake our interest to their subjects and to self study. Besides the school subjects, our teachers tell us about everything, about different problems of our world.

Traditions in our school – it’s something that has existed for a long time. In our school, we have similar traditions as in Britain. We have such events as Teacher’s Day, Autumn Sports Week, School Olympiads, Women’s Day, Health Day, Reunion Day, The Day of knowledge, the Last bell, Graduation Day.

I’ll never forget my school, my favorite teachers and my classmates. It’s my childhood and it’s the happiest period in one’s life, to my mind. It’s a period of becoming adult, achieving knowledge, and choosing your way in life. 

среда, 1 апреля 2015 г.

Living in the city, living in the countryside

Some people prefer living in the city, rather than living in the countryside. When modern city life becomes too stressing, many people who live in the city feel like moving out to the countryside. To understand what is better: city life or life in the countryside, I’ll provide some of the following facts. 

Life in the city is interesting and exciting. Also, there are lots of theatres and museums. You can have a great time in a fitness centre or at the cinema. You are free to watch and where to spend your free time. As a result you can meet all sorts of interesting people there. From my point of view I can’t imagine my life without huge supermarkets, long streets, skyscrapers. It’s necessary to stress that city has better education system than a small town. Moreover, city offers good opportunities for development abilities, talents and skills.

But on the other hand life in the city is very dangerous. The streets are busy and very dirty; people are always being in a hurry. The air is polluted, so, life in the city is very unhealthy. 

Country is a nice quiet place with beautiful nature. Everything is easy to do. The beaches are only 10 minutes away. Also, people are very friendly and kind-hearted. Life in the country is much healthier than in the city. Another thing is that life in the country is too quiet, too easy and too relaxing and you can’t do any thing you like. However, you have known everybody for ages and there isn’t much chance of meeting somebody new, who can make your life more exciting and more interesting. 

So people choose there place according to their preferences, needs, interests, health and lifestyle. A lot of people live in a big city, but they also buy a house in the country not far from their city to rest and relax after busy work. And as for me, it’s the most correct decision. 

Future profession

“What should I choose as my future profession?” – this is a question that every young person asks himself entering the adult world. Of course, it’s not easy to choose a profession out of more than 2,000 existing in the world. It’s especially difficult if you like doing different things, if you have different hobbies and interests.

Almost half of a person’s life passes at work. So it’s extremely important to make the right choice of a profession. Psychologists believe that the choice of a future profession must be in accordance with the individual’s talents and abilities. In order to make the right choice you have to analyze your interests and abilities and try to understand what you’d like to achieve in your life.

For example, I like English, maths and design. I’m really fond of communicating with different people all over the world. I love travelling and I’m planning to visit many countries and that’s why I choose English language which can greatly help me. In the past I wanted to become a designer but now I begin to understand that this profession is difficult enough and isn’t in demand in our country, it’s very hard to find a job. So in that way I mixed the design with mathematics and they turned into web-design.

I’m also thinking about other professions and I believe that when I entered the university I would attend some other classes or courses which can help to determine with the future job.My parents doubt this is the right decision. But it’s not a secret that any choice demands on you to give it all your energy and passion and one must be fully dedicated to it in order to achieve perfection.

Frankly speaking, I haven’t made my final choice of the future profession in which I’d like to specialize, but I’m definitely sure that in any job I want to be a useful person for the society I live in and of course, I want my family to be proud of me.


We call fashion something that is popular at some period of time, something that makes our life colorful. You can express your personality through fashion and you can show others how you feel about yourself. They say: “Good clothes open all doors”. The cleaner, nicer and more fashionable you look, the more you are likely to become popular. On the other hand there is a saying: “Don’t judge a book by its cover”.

Some people are not interested in fashion and don’t pay a lot of time and money on it, but a lot of them  follow fashion  because they want to fit in,  as a result a lot of teenagers end up  wearing  similar clothes. Some people look ridiculous trying to be fashionable.

When I am wearing smart clothes, when I am sure my clothes suit me and I look good, I feel confident and happy. I like wearing different kinds of clothes, but certainly clothes should suit the occasion. When I plan what I’m going to wear, I usually think what kind of meeting I am going to have.

Fashion is a big business. One certain thing in the fashion world is change. We are constantly being bombarded with new fashion ideas from music, videos, books, and television. A lot of money are spent on the organization of various shows, fashion events, such as Belarus Fashion Week.

A famous person once said: “Fashion comes and goes, style is forever”.  If you want to look good you should make your own style. Your clothes should suit your personality and flatter your figure. Finding your own style is a process that takes time and effort and an open mind, you will have to develop, to grow, to change, to find yourself.

понедельник, 30 марта 2015 г.


Millions of people all around the world adore travelling. It keeps us from growing stale and old; it stimulates our imagination; it gives us that movement and change which are necessary for our wellbeing. Some people travel in search of beauty, others to satisfy their curiosity, and many people consider traveling to be a good form of rest.

While traveling we look for different things. Some people look for natural wonders: waterfalls, mountains; others search for ancient sites and great monuments. Some of my friends want to see romantic historical cities or exciting modern cities. As for me I like beautiful beaches and a coastline.

Some people travel light, and some take a lot of luggage on their travels, journeys, voyages or trips. They may choose various means of travelling: by air, by sea, by train, hiking, by car, by coach, on a bike, on foot or even on horseback.Travelling by plane is the fastest, but the most expensive mean of transporation. Many people travel by plane, though, some people are not good for height. I have to notice that in Belarus the most popular means of transportation are travelling by car and by bus. But still, tastes differ.

While travelling you discover different lifestyles, arts and crafts, taste different food, visit museums and picture galleries, enjoy nature.I’m extremely fond of traveling. I think it is the way to learn the world and get unique experience. Travelling is an adventure. Though you usually plan and arrange all the things you never know what people you’ll meet, what decisions you’ll have to make and what you’ll learn about yourself.

Fortunately I can say that I have travelled a lot in my life, I have been to Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania, I have visited a few towns in Belarus, but, of course, most of all I was impressed by my visit to England. And I hope that in future I will have more opportunities to travel and to visit different countries.

четверг, 12 марта 2015 г.

Leisure time

They say that “Life is a big headache on a long noisy road”. This statement truly explains life nowadays. Life in the twenty first century is full of stress. From dawn to dusk, everyone has to go through a buzy schedule. Even children are not exempt from this rush. Everyday there are deadlines to meet, reports to write, bills to pay, meetings to attend, papers to submit. Life is a never-ending race to most people.

People have different ways of escaping the stress and difficulties of modern life. Really, there are many things in the world that help us to enjoy our life. Besides, if you have the money the world is your oyster. I dream about visiting exotic countries, helicopter tours, plane trips, parachuting, hot air ballooning and other stomach-churning activities.

It is known, that people can do all kinds of things in their spare time. They go shopping, do some household duties, go in for sports, gardining, collect records or stamps. Of course, some of the time activities, like visiting relatives or taking driving lessons, may not be fun, nevertheless this is the way to spend your free time.

In big cities people spend their free time by going to the theatre, cinema, museums, art galleries, concert hall, fitness or disco clubs. I live in a small town and I can't choose any of them. But when the weather is fine, I prefer to walk along the streets of the town with my friends, enjoying this pleasant conversation and fresh air.

Also I’m fond of listening to music, as it helps me to relax and relieve stress. I like watching some films or serials, reading, surfing the net, hanging out with friends. A usual set of any teenager. Nevertheless, sometimes my activities can be more spontaneous and then I don't feel restricted by a preset routine.

In a nutshell, If you have chosen a hobby according to your character and taste you are lucky because your life becomes more interesting.

понедельник, 9 марта 2015 г.

The Republic of Belarus

A lot of people say “There is no place like home” and “Every bird likes its nest”. Such a nest for me is my homeland. Officially it’s called the Republic of Belarus, a sovereign independent state with its own government, constitution, state emblem, flag and anthem. Belarus is a presidential republic, governed by a president and the National Assembly. Alexander Lukashenka has been the president of Belarus since 1994.

Belarus is situated almost in the centre of Europe. It occupies the territory of over 207 600 sq km and borders on Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Russia and Ukraine. Belarus is a landlocked country. It isn’t washed by any seas or oceans. The population of the country is about 10 million people. Belarus is divided into six regions, which are named after the cities that serve as their administrative centers.

Belarus' two official languages are Russian and Belarusian, but Russian is the main language. According to the government sources, most people in Belarus adhere to some kind of religion, among them Eastern Orthodoxy and Catholicism.

The climate of Belarus is continental with a comparatively mild winter and warm summer. Our native land is very beautiful with its blue lakes and ribbons of rivers edged with thick forests, with its endless fields, meadows and swamp, with its varied and plentiful animal and plant kingdom. Today it is more often called “blue-eyed”, the country of thousands of lakes. And thanks to forests, which occupy one third of the territory of the country it is also called the “lungs of Europe”.

Most of the Belarusian economy remains state-controlled and has been described as "Soviet-style”. Nowadays Belarus is a country of developed industry, education and culture. Its biggest enterprises produce tractors and Lorries, refrigerators and TV sets, watches and bicycles. It exports potassium salt, tractors, electronic equipment and products of light industry. Agriculture in Belarus specializes in milk and meat production. Potatoes, grain, flax, herbs and vegetables are cultivated here.

Moreover, Belarus has four UNESCO-designated World Heritage Sites: the Mir Castle Complex, the Nesvizh Castle, the Belovezhskaya Pushcha (shared with Poland), and the Struve Geodetic Arc (shared with nine other countries)

понедельник, 2 марта 2015 г.

Let’s talk about Belarusian cusoms and traditions

“So many countries, so many customs”, - an English proverb says. The combination of the words tradition & custom means a usual manner of doing something, of conduct passed on from generation to generation.

People in Belarus celebrate May Day, Victory Day, Independence Day, Christmas, Easter, Kupalle, Kalyady, Maslenitsa and other holidays.

Kupalle is one of the most poetic, and mysterious holidays in Belarus. The tradition is very old. There are a lot of traditional rituals, believes, love and magic. In ancient times Kupalle was celebrated in the night from the 6th to the 7th of July. On Kupalle Eve girls collect different plants - cornflower, fens and some others. The central part of Kupalle celebration is bonfire. During the celebration young people jumped through the fire, bathed in the river and danced. People believe that in the Kupalle night the fern glowing in the dark, and if you find "paparats-kvetka" you'll live happily. But no one has found it yet.

Maslenitsa is a ceremony at the junction of two seasons; it sees off winter and meets spring. Popular festivals of folk music, dancing and national costumes are organized at the time of Maslenitsa.

Orthodox Christmas comes a week after the New Year and this week in Belarus is called Kalyady. During the celebrations groups of young boys and girls in smart clothes go from house to house, sing carols or limericks, or just cheer up people.

I love all kinds of holidays but most of all I admire the national traditions connected with them. My best loved holidays are New Year with a New Year tree, Christmas with plenty of delicious food to eat and Easter with red eggs and an Easter pie.

I am proud of our national traditions, they are unique and make us feel a little bit different from other nationalities. For example, the celebration of “Kupalle” is romantic and mysterious .When we celebrate Victory Day I feel proud of our people who went through great difficulties and showed courage and heroism. Traditions are a part of our culture, so we should carefully observe them to respect our ancestors and feel that we are a nation.

воскресенье, 22 февраля 2015 г.

Belarusian(national) Cuisine

Wondering what to expect on your plate in Belarus? Meat and potatoes is a bit of a stereotype in this part of the world, but it's certainly not far from the truth. Similar to the cuisines of neighboring countries Ukraine, Russia, Poland and Lithuania, Belarus puts a lot of emphasis on pork, dumplings, soups, as well as the mighty potato.

Common in Belarusian cuisine were dishes from potato which is called among people "the second bread". For example, pancakes (draniki, in other words).  To my mind this dish is a speciality of our country, it is delicious. If you don’t mind I will give you the recipe. First you should peel some potatoes, then you should grate them, add an egg , some flour, some salt, mix everything and make little pancakes on a frying pan . Serve your draniki hot with sour cream or butter. Bon appetite!

A traditional Belarusian dinner must always start with a soup.  You can taste borscht and khaladnik. Borscht is popular in many Eastern and Central European cuisines. It is made with beetroot and beef as the main ingredients. It usually contains heavy vegetables including potatoes and beets, but may also contain carrots and peppers.  
The Belarusian khaladnik , a cold borscht made of beets, beet leaves and served with sour cream, hard-boiled eggs, and boiled potatoes  will be pleasant on a hot summer day. 

Most of all I prefer pancakes of various thickness, plain and filled, made mostly of wheat or buckwheat flour, but also using oatmeal.

Тraditional liquid desserts that accompanya meal include kompot, normally made of dried or fresh fruit, boiled, and then cooled, and kvass.

As you can see Belarusian cuisine has colorful history and a great variety of dishes for every taste.
But the best way to understand it all, is to simply get eating!

понедельник, 16 февраля 2015 г.

Healthy way of life

A wise man said, “Never hurry. Take plenty of exercise. Always be cheerful. Take all the sleep you need. You may expect to be well.” Actually these are the basis of our health. I would add to this list of advice healthy eating habits and avoiding bad habits.

When you speak about healthy way of life it’s very important to stress that you should follow a daily regimen that has  enough  sleeping hours, regular meals, proper time for work and relaxation.

Today you have a great variety of ways to stay healthy and keep fit: doing morning exercises, working out in a gym, swimming, jogging, cycling, walking, yogi, fitness training. Sport also gives energy and makes better disciplined. Today everybody wants to be fit, feel well, look slim and stay young.

The next important thing I’d like to mention is nutrition. Nobody denies that home-made food is really better than junk or fast food. Specialists say that we need more than 40 different nutrients for good health. Our daily food should include bread other whole grain products, fruits and vegetables, meat and fish, dairy products, nuts and vegetable oils.

But all your efforts will be in vain if you have any of bad habits like smoking or even worse if you are addicted to something. It’s known from statistics that smoking kills 5 million people a year. Moreover, this habit may cause heart diseases and spoil your teeth and skin.  Alcohol causes heart diseases and brain damage. A drinker becomes nervous and aggressive, loses friends, work, family.

The last but not the least factor is good mood. Having a good mood and good disposition in life makes us healthier. Being stressed and depressed could lead to  serious illnesses such as mental illnesses and could weaken our immune system in the long run. It is better to think positive and to look on the bright side.

Let's talk about sport

Sport takes an important part in our life as our state of health depends on it. Sport makes people healthy, keeps them fit, more organized and better disciplined. It can be a professional occupation, a road to records, titles, fame or self-expression. Sport is also a nice form of relaxation and entertainment, a way of spending leisure time or building up health. Today everybody wants to be fit, feel well, look slim and stay young.

Many sports are popular in Belarus. They are football, basketball, judo, hockey, shooting, figure skating and  skiing. Besides, a lot of races, competitions are held every year. Everyone who wants can participate in sports activities in our country. Many skating rinks, swimming pools, stadiums are built for people who go in for sports.
A lot of people do sports to keep fit. Fitness helps to reduce body fat, slows down the process of aging, reduces stress, helps to unwind, feel positive and full of energy. It helps you sleep better and feel more confident. It also reduces the risk of heart disease, reduces blood pressure, overall, it improves the quality of your life as a whole. Today you have a great variety of ways to keep fit: doing morning exercises, working out in a gym, swimming , jogging, cycling, walking, yogi, fitness training.
As for me, I am not a sporty person . I don’t take much interest  in sports. Nevertheless, I regularly do some exercises to be more active and healthy. Throughout my life I try to lead a healthy way of life. I also walk a lot. I think walking is the best sport. You don’t have to buy any special equipment, you can do it without special training. I am not a sports fan and  I don’t watch any competitions on TV because I find it boring.

But it goes without saying, that sport plays a very important role in people’s life, not only in the lives of professional sportsmen.

воскресенье, 18 января 2015 г.


Going shopping is a part of our everyday life. Some people hate doing shopping, for them it’s a boring chore, an everyday routine. Others love shopping. They take pleasure in window shopping, spend hours in different stores in search of a bargain or just looking around. Some people even become shopaholics, they make purchases when they are in a bad mood to cheer up and can end up buying lots of unnecessary  things.

There are many types of shops in every city or town, such as a department store, a food supermarket, women's and men's clothing shops, grocery, butchery and bakery.

Supermarkets use different techniques to make customers buy more than they have planned. The music, the smells the arrangement of products, the reductions, all have one goal - to get as much money as possible out of our pockets. I can give you a few tips on how to avoid spending too much. First of all always make a shopping list and follow it, secondly, never go shopping on an empty stomach and limit the time spent in shops to a minimum.

As for me, going shopping is always an interesting experience. I find shopping a pleasant pastime when you can afford to buy the things you like. When I need to purchase something, I go to a supermarket, to a department store or to the market. It depends on what I need to purchase. If I am going to buy food products, I go to the supermarket or to the nearest food store. I like doing my shopping at supermarkets because they provide a wide variety of goods at reasonable prices. I like shopping for clothes. For me it’s a pleasant pastime or even entertainment. I enjoy window shopping, and just looking around. It is always pleasant to buy something new.

In our family our mother does most of the shopping. She knows what to buy and where to buy at a cheaper price. 

To tell you the truth I like going shopping. Nowadays shopping represents an integral part of our living as for many people it’s not just a need but also a great pleasure.

вторник, 13 января 2015 г.

Sightseeing in London

London offers the visitors a great variety of fascinating places. It’s a city of dream to everybody who is interested in history and culture. London is full of things to see and do with superb shopping and world famous sights.  Traditionally London is divided into several parts: the City, Westminster, the West End and the East End.
The heart of London is the City. It is the oldest part of London. You can visit some interesting places there. One of them is the Tower of London. The Tower of London is a real attraction for tourists. The Tower was used as a royal palace, a fortress, a royal zoo. They say the Tower is a haunted place, people sometimes can see ghosts there. Now it’s a museum and a treasure house. Londoners also love St. Paul’s Cathedral, the largest protestant church in England. There are a lot of memorials including those to Wellington Admiral Nelson.

the West End is the richest and the most beautiful part of London, the symbol of wealth and luxury, where the most expensive hotels, restaurants, shops and clubs are situated. The place of pilgrimage is Trafalgar Square, the geographical centre of London. It was named in the memory of Admiral Nelson’s victory at the battle of Trafalgar in 1805. Opposite the Nelson Monument is the National Gallery. It contains the finest art collections in the world. The square is also used for political demonstrations and the celebration of  New Year’s Eve.

Westminster is the historic part of London.
Buckingham Palace, the official home of the Queen, is situated there. The palace with 600 rooms is open to the public in summer, when the Queen is on holiday. The Houses of Parliament, called officially the Palace of Westminster, spread magnificently on the north bank of the Thames. This structure is a remarkable example  of Gothic architecture. Big Ben is the nickname for the great bell of the clock in one of the towers. Westminster Abbey is one of the most famous and beautiful churches in London. It is more than nine hundred years old. It is the place where coronation of nearly all kings and queens has taken place. 

The East End used to be the poorer part of Landon, but now  it’s an industrial district of London and you can visit some interesting places.  There are many factories and the Port of London.  

To sum it up, I’d like to point out that it’s my dream to visit London and see  all those places with my own eyes. I would like to learn more about its culture and traditions, sample English cuisine, and practise English. I hope I’ll be able to do it.