Nowadays it’s senselessly to speak about the importance of education in the modern world. Education has become the leading power of the technological progress andthus of the whole development of the humanity. Without education science, medicine, computing, space discoveries would be unachievable.
It is common knowledge that success
of school education depends mainly on the teachers, their professional skill,
their attitude to the subjects they teach and the kind of relationship they can
establish with the pupils.
Most children in Belarus start school
at the age of 6. The school year begins on 1 September for all grades and lasts
thirty-four weeks; holidays take up a total of thirty calendar days.
School-leaving examinations at grade 9 and 11 are held in June.
School education in Belarus consists
of elementary( or primary), basic and secondary school. The five-year basic secondary school is
compulsory. Upon completion of grade 9 students have to take the examinations
to receive the certificate of basic education. Basic school graduates can continue their studies at technicums,
uchilishche and colleges, where
they can get vocational training and secondary general
education or they can continue their education
in schools, gymnasiums or lyceums.
At the end of grade 11 (general secondary education) students sit the final
examination and if successful receive the certificate of (complete) general
secondary education.
Belarus has one of the highest student-to-population ratios in Europe. The
higher education system in Belarus is seen as prestigious due to its high
quality and affordability.
So, as you can see, the system of
education in the Republic of Belarus is based on national traditions and global
trends in education area. These guarantee equal access to all education stages,
unification of the requirements, continuity of all training stages and state
financial support.